
I am interested in distributed systems, information retrieval, generative AI, theory of programming languages, and application of machine learning to computational biology and other related problems. I enjoy creating fast, beautiful, and useful products. Most importantly, I want to inspire people around the world to do the same through tech and education.

In the past, I applied these interests through internships. I worked in Software Engineer roles at Microsoft, Uber, Amazon, Bubble, and IBM.

In 2023, I received a B.S.E., summa cum laude, from the University of Michigan in Computer Science (specialization in Systems and Intelligence) and a minor in Mathematics. I grew up in a rural village near Southeast China and am the first person from my village to ever attend college. While at Michigan, I have worked on/was:

  • DNA composition and topology of spinal cord decompression sickness using laser trapping techniques with Michigan Medicine and Prof. Jens-Christian Meiners.
  • Taught Stats 250 (Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis)
  • ... and a bunch more to come ...

Outside of everything technical, I enjoy running and managing a local Chinese restaurant I founded with my parents 8 years ago. I also love nature and dangerous sports, like Skydiving, Hiking, Ultracycling, and Marathon running. I have a secret talent in Latin Dancing.

I am grateful to have experienced diverse cultures around the world. I speak English, Chinese, and Hindi. I have lived in lots of place in my life, both in China and the US - New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Washington, California, and Michigan. One of my life goals is to run 5K on every continent, and so far I am about 57% done. Antartica might be tough (tough).